By Robert Bernard Have you ever ask yourself what is Love? Love isn’t tense! Love isn’t Upset! Love isn’t Evil! Love isn’t hurt! Love isn’t Bustling! Love isn’t Jealous! Love isn’t Sorrow! Love isn’t Agitated! Love isn’t war! Love isn’t Hate! Love is Relaxed! Love is Composed! Love is Good! Love is Comfort! Love is
Author Archives: Robert A. Bernard Jr.
Que hermoso jardín esta en frente de mi. Lleno de rosas de todos colores. Tantos son los colores que forman un matiz de belleza incalculable. También veo muchos pilares hechos de mármol. Estos pilares son de diferentes alturas y tamaños. Paredes de pilares, bancas hechas de pilares. Pero lo mas hermoso de todo es que
Abro mis ojos al nuevo día. Un día hermoso lleno del bello calor del sol. Y mientras su luz me alumbra solo tengo un pensamiento en mente. ¡Rocío! Como mi ser te extraña. Mi pelo anhela el toque de tus manos. Así como una llanura siente el viento cuando la acaricia. Mi oído anhela el
I must tell you the story. Of a man whom is a bear. It is the druid’s way. To shift from animal to human form. I will explain in great detail one day of the race of my people. And the linage. For now. Just as any other day. Walking on a ridge where this
A new age is born where new heroes are forged, alliances tested and a new kind of brotherhood is formed from the ashes of chaos. A kind of heroism smelted to perfection from the fires of trial and disarray. And with this new found unity we will take our shields and blades into battle. Forging
5/15/08 It’s been a real tough road these past few weeks that I’ve been playing WOW. I’ve met some new friends, played with old friends, but it’s always a great time. Right now I’m trying to lvl as fast as I can and am stuck with over 20 quests sitting in my log that need
A Lovely Day By: Robert A Bernard Jr. The day is incredibly gorgeous and full of life and light. The clear blue skies and the lake are extremely translucent. So translucent that I could see then full of life as I glimpse at the fishes swimming. Even thought the sun is at its mid point
My True Love By: Robert A Bernard Jr. It is a beautiful morning and the amber color sky reaches far into the horizon. I am sitting on the tall grass looking to the horizon as the suns honors it with their beautiful light. The grass feels as if I am sitting in the main chair
For Spanish speaking readers Que tortura es este sentimiento que rebosa desde muy dentro de mí sin esperanza de poder desahogarme en ti… Anhelo tu mirada sin esperanza de ver tu cara en frente de la mía.Anhelo tus manos sin esperanza de tenerlas entre las mías.Anhelo tu toque sin esperanza a sentir tu piel. Anhelo
Today I was searching for a beautiful flower to show you what I feel. I search and I search, unable to find the most beautiful one of all. Then, when I was about to give up I came across this one. And even though it was the most stunning out of the other ones I