U.S millionaire scientist Gregory Olsen, the world’s third space tourist, bid farewell to his family Friday during final preparations for his flight to the international space station with a Russian-American crew. Now if only I had that kind of money. Well, hopefully we will have more and more people traveling to space to help lower
Author Archives: Robert A. Bernard Jr.
Blu-ray backers Dell and HP have come to the defence of Sony’s high-definition optical disc system following Microsoft’s and Intel’s decision to back the rival HD DVD format… read more | digg story
Chairman of Dell sees console gamers as potential cross-overs for his XPS systems. I guess Dell is planning to cross over to the Game Console market. Wow. read more | digg story
I am experimenting with podcasts and currently thinking about creatig a podcast for this site.Please email me and tell me your thoughts.
Oh no, they’ve killed kenny! And cloned him as a cat! I came across this site and could not stop peeing my pants. Check it out.
Isn’t psychologically conceivable that if someone is nice to you then you have a desire to be nice to them? Why are some people the opposite? It just gets on my last nerve that someone could be so mean to you after you were nice to them of did them a favor. Is it possible
I’m sorry that I have not posted as frequently as I have in the past. I am in between my new motorcycle and my movie. Which I have to say it will be out soon. I know the trailer said September 1st, 2005 but it might be a little later than that date. We are
Dedicated to Tara Owen. Tara, as you wake in the morning and open your beautiful eyes, the heavens that look at you can not help but smile. It smiles with such a beautiful sunset upon you that the birds feel its joy and start their serenade. The sun can not wait to caress your delicate
H4v3 y0u 3v3r h34r 4ny0n3 t4lk1n9 4b0ut c0mput3rs s0 c0nc3ntr4t3d th4t y0u c0uld s33 th3y l0v3 th3 subj3ct? 1f th1s h4pp3ns t0 y0u 0ft3n th3n y0u m19ht b3 4 c0mput3r 933k. D0n’t 93t m3 wr0n9! th3r3 1s n0th1n9 b4d 4b0ut b33n 4 c0mput3r 933k. Just th1nk 4b0ut 4ll th3 c0mput3rs 1n th3 w0rld r19ht n0w
Man! I have been having so much fun I forgot about this blog. I just bought a brand new 2005 Kawasaki Ninja and I am all over the streets.