If you are one of the few lucky people that know me personally, then you’ll know that I normally have a low sefl esteem. I have done one of the most stupid things that I have ever know any one to do. I put a pictuce of me in Hot or Not dot com.
Is this wrong?
Maybe not, maybe so but I know one thing, if I get a low number it definetely not help my self esteem. Which I know that is what i am going to end up with.
I’m sure I am not the only one thinking this way. Have ever woke up and felt this way?
Do you feel this way because of people around you or is it because of you?
I am not talking about the people that have a mental condition, I am talking about normal people.
Have you seen those people that are always smiling and have that appearance that they are please with themself?
I wonder if these type of people have this issues.
Is it this way when you reach a certain age?
Does age have anything to do with this issue?